Lives of the Fellows biography listings

The boxes below expand to show the names of the individuals whose biographies have been written as part of the College's Lives of the Fellows project

The biographies are presented on the basis of information provided by the subjects or collected by  third parties.  Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but the College does not accept responsibility for any errors. Please contact if you feel that changes or additions are required.

The individuals are listed alphabetically by surname. To view a biography, expand the relevant box and click the link for the individual's biography. If the name you are looking for does not appear on the list, you can contact us on to find out if there is a biography in progress.


Ablett, John James Lloyd

Adams, Barbara Webster

Aggarwal, Krishna

Albert, Salomon Naphtali

Alcock, Helen Mabel Bower

Alexander, John Pentland

Alsop, Aubrey Frederick

Anderson, Sheila Mary

Andrew, David Smith 

Anson, George Frederick Vernon

Apperly, Raymond Ebenezer

Armitage, Edward Nigel

Armstrong Davison, Meredith Henry

Arnison, William Drewett

Aserman, David

Ashworth, Harold Kenneth

Atkinson, Richard Stuart

Ayre, Thomas Philip


Bacon, William Basil

Badman, George Edward

Bain, John William Laing

Ball, Harold Charles James

Ballantine, Robert Ian Waverley

Bannister, Freda Bury

Barnes, Edith Helen Maud

Barnsley, Arnold

Barry, Claude Thomas

Baskett, Peter

Bateman, Donald Varley

Battersby, Edward Fletcher

Beaver, Robert Atwood

Beddard, John Baron

Beddard, John Roger Jordin

Bennett-Jones, William James

Bergman, Dr Norman Avika

Bigby, William Louis Murray

Binning, Reginald Austin

Black, Gerald Wilson

Blackburn, Frank Harrington

Blatchley, Donald

Blomfield, Joseph

Bodington, Jocelyn Riviere

Bodman, Richard Irving

Bolster, John Arthur

Boston, Francis Kenneth

Boulton, Thomas Babington

Bourne, Wesley

Bourne, James Gerald

Bowen, Ronald Alwyne

Boyd, John

Bradbeer, Ernest Gustave

Braddon, Ivan Geoffrey

Brennan, Henry Joseph

Broad, Ronald John Burgess

Bromage, Philip Raikes

Brown, Allan Scrimgeour

Brown, Arthur Ivor Parry

Brown, George Maxwell

Brown, Gilbert

Brown, Thomas Christopher Kenneth

Brown, Victoria Marjorie

Brown, Wilfred Maurice

Brownrigg, Edward Kingsmill

Bryce-Smith, Roger

Bryn Thomas, Kenneth

Buckley, John Charles

Budd, Charles Herbert

Burn, James Mervyn Barnett

Burns, Thomas Henry Stewart

Burrows, John Desmond

Burtles, Richard