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Next month we will invite all members to complete a short survey on assisted dying. The survey will be anonymous and advisory to Council. It is not a mandate for the College to take any particular action but will enable Council to have an informed discussion based on your views.
Congratulations to our members recognised in the King's Birthday Honours 2024. This recognition of our colleagues for their services to the NHS and their specialties is richly deserved.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to announce that Dr Claire Shannon has been elected as the College’s next President. Dr Chris Carey and Dr Toni Brunning have been elected as Vice Presidents.
Following last year’s EGM, we committed to implementing the resolutions carried and keeping members updated. This update includes a summary of our progress since our last update in December 2023.
Ahead of the general election we have published our manifesto, 'Anaesthesia: solutions for an NHS in crisis'. We are urging political parties to develop and fund a plan for more doctors to train as anaesthetists and improve retention and efficiency in the NHS.
We are pleased to announce recipients of College awards following the March 2024 meeting of our nominations committee. Award winners are nominated by members of the College for their exceptional contribution to the specialty, both in the UK and internationally.