Information for children, parents and carers
There are different leaflets to read depending on your age. Children and young people have helped to write them and they show you what to expect when you have an anaesthetic and what choices there may be. There is also information for young people which is a more detailed guide to look at if you are a teenager. Your child's general anaesthetic leaflet is a useful leaflet for parents and carers and can help you understand what to expect and what choices you may be able to make together with your child.
Answers to frequently asked questions about your anaesthetic are also available in the FAQs section.
Translations are available for some of these leaflets.
RCoA videos
We have produced some videos below to help children and young people learn about anaesthesia and be brave when they visit the hospital.
Quizzing an anaesthetist
In this video Nahom talks to Dr Jignesh Patel about having an anaesthetic.
Anaesthesia: what do I need to know?
In this video Aria talks to Dr Karen Bartholomew about having an anaesthetic.
Rees Bear has an anaesthetic
This is a video version of our leaflet Rees Bear has an anaesthetic where Rees Bear tells a story of what happened when he went to the hospital for an anaesthetic.
We would like to know if you have enjoyed watching the videos below and if you have found them helpful. Please complete this short survey to leave your feedback.

The patient information produced by the College is certified by the PIF Trusted Information Creator Kitemark accreditation scheme run by the Patient Information Forum (PIF) for measuring the quality of health information.
Other videos
These videos have been made by individual anaesthetists in their own hospitals or by ForMed Films.
We consider the content to be useful for children who are expecting to have an anaesthetic, and their parents or carers. Please note that we have not been directly involved in producing any of these films, and as such, we cannot formally endorse them. However, the RCoA Patient Information Group believe the films are helpful and informative.
It should be noted that the film shows the setting in the hospital in which the film was made. Other hospitals will vary in the environment, the arrangements for admission and the uniforms of staff. In particular, you must follow instructions about when to stop eating and drinking as given by your own hospital.