College Representatives' upcoming meetings

College Representatives' upcoming meetings

Event Dates Location Further Information
New College Tutors' Meeting 4-5 September 2025

RCoA, London

This is an invitation only meeting

The New Tutors Training Programme aims to help newly appointed Tutors understand their role and responsibilities and how they interact with the College.  It will also include discussions and workshops on current training issues: Lifelong Learning, Exams, Assessments and Feedback, Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the Trainee in difficulty.  In addition, there will be an opportunity for Tutors to raise particular issues which may be of concern to them.
Scottish College Tutors' Meeting 7 November 2025

1599 at The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow

This is an invitation only meeting

Scottish College Tutors in anaesthesia, Regional Advisers in Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care, Deputy Regional Advisers, Training Programme Directors, Heads of School and the RCoA Scottish Board are invited to attend.


For further information on any College representative meetings, please contact