The anaesthesia team

The anaesthetist

Anaesthetists are doctors who have had specialist training in anaesthesia. Your anaesthetist is responsible for:

  • assessing whether you are fit enough to have the anaesthetic for your operation
  • talking to you about which type of anaesthetic might be best and getting your permission (consent) for it
  • agreeing a plan with you for your anaesthetic and organising pain control afterwards
  • looking after you in the operating theatre and closely monitoring your condition throughout the operation
  • looking after you immediately after the operation in the recovery room or in an intensive care unit.

Grades of anaesthetist 

Following full training as a doctor, it takes at least seven years to train to be a consultant anaesthetist. A consultant anaesthetist has completed the full anaesthetic training.

In the UK it is a requirement that a named senior anaesthetist is involved in the care of every patient who will be undergoing surgery. This does not mean that a consultant will give every anaesthetic. You can ask to talk to a consultant or senior anaesthetist if you want to.

Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) anaesthetists – other experienced anaesthetists work as specialty doctors or associate specialists. These SAS doctors have at least two years of specialist training in anaesthesia, but many have years of experience working as an anaesthetist. Depending on their skills and experience these doctors may work alone, but can ask for advice or assistance if required.

You may also encounter trust-grade doctors or clinical fellows, who often have less experience and are likely to be supported by a more senior doctor.

Anaesthetists in training (resident doctors) – although they are called trainees, anaesthetists in training are registered doctors who are carefully trained and assessed in each specialty area of anaesthesia. Their title refers to their year of training (ST7 being the most experienced people who are close to starting their consultant posts). All anaesthetists in training will be appropriately supervised and a consultant is always available if they are needed. You can find out more on our webpages The stages of training.

Anaesthetists are supported in their work by trained staff who work as part of the anaesthetic team. Staff working in theatre usually wear the same colour scrub suits – although the colour varies between hospitals. All staff should be wearing name badges which say what their role is.

Operating department practitioners (ODP) – these staff have done a two-year training course or a degree to learn to help the anaesthetist and the surgeon and to provide care in the recovery room.

Theatre nurses – nurses who have completed full general-nursing training. They have chosen to specialise in theatre work. An extra six-month training course in anaesthetics allows them to work as an anaesthetic assistant.

Recovery-room staff – these members of staff may be nurses or ODPs.

Medical students and other staff in training – there may be staff in training in the theatre who might take part in your care with your permission, under the supervision of a consultant anaesthetist.  

Anaesthesia Associates – previously known as physician assistants (anaesthesia), were introduced in 2004 and the role is now established within many NHS hospitals. Anaesthesia associates are not doctors. They are trained practitioners that work within the anaesthetic team under the supervision of a consultant or autonomously practising SAS doctor.