Visitors to FRCA examinations

About visiting our exams

The college welcomes up to a maximum of six visitors per day to The FRCA Primary Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Structured Oral Examination (SOE) examinations and ten visitors a day to the FRCA Final Structured Oral Examination (SOE) examinations. Spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Please note that it is no longer a requirement to observe the examination for application to FRCA examinership.

If your application to visit an examination is successful, College staff will contact you to confirm your booking.  Please arrange leave from your work place as soon as you receive confirmation of a visitor allocation from us.  If your situation changes and you are unable to attend, please let the College know as soon as possible so your place can be reallocated.

You should expect to spend the whole day at the College, normally from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. 

On arrival at the College, you will be directed to the briefing room where the examinations chair will brief you on the examination you are observing and the schedule for the day.  You are invited to join the examiners for lunch and will have the opportunity to discuss your visit with the chair before departure. You will also be asked to provide feedback.

You must not bring activated bleeps or mobile telephones to the examination and may be asked to leave if a mobile phone or electronic device rings.

Once you have visited one part of the exam, you may request to visit the other part, however, priority will be given to people who have not visited any part of the exam before.

Expenses are only payable to College examiners and examiners-elect who visit examinations in accordance with College procedures.

If you would like to visit a Primary or Final FRCA Examination, please submit a request and we will contact you as soon as a place becomes available.