Who is accredited?

Published: 30/04/2024

ACSA accreditation status

Anaesthetic departments have been categorised according to their engagement with ACSA. The categories are detailed below and you can view the departments according to region.

Accredited: the department has undergone a comprehensive accreditation review and has subsequently been awarded accreditation for a four year period. Accredited departments undergo an annual review to demonstrate that they are maintaining compliance. At the end of the four years the department must undergo another full accreditation review. The date highlights how long the department have been accredited for. Note: there are lapses between one accreditation cycle and the next whilst the review process is completed.

Reviewed, not yet accredited: the department has undergone an accreditation review but has some actions it must take to meet all the priority one standards. A defined timeframe is given within which to achieve this and may be up to two years. Almost all departments have some recommendations to address so this is a typical default position after a review.

Undergoing self-assessment: the department is registered with the scheme, actively assessing themselves against the ACSA standards and working towards an accreditation review.

No longer registered: The department has previously registered with the scheme but falls under one of the following categories; has confirmed they no longer wish to engage OR have not demonstrated any active progress for a period of two years.

Not registered: the department has not registered with the ACSA scheme.