Global Fellowship Scheme
Global Fellowship Scheme
The Global Fellowship Scheme (GFS) is a sponsorship scheme run by the RCoA open to anaesthetists, intensive care medicine and pain medicine doctors who work and train in High Income Countries (HICs) to undertake a period of subspecialty training within the NHS
The Global Fellowship Scheme (GFS) is a sponsorship scheme run by the RCoA open to anaesthetists, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine doctors who work and train in High Income Countries (HICs) to undertake a period of subspecialty training within the NHS. These doctors are sponsored by the College for their GMC registration, so successful applicants will be exempted from siting the GMC’s Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test. Successful applicants will be sponsored by the employing Trust (as outlined through immigration rules).
The GFS utilises unfilled training capacity within the NHS, to allow International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to gain from opportunities on offer.
The scheme is open to individuals who are in the advanced stages of their training, or have recently completed training in their home countries, who are looking for additional experience in subspecialty areas at an advanced level, which may not be available in their home countries. Fellowships under this route are expected to run for between 12–24 months.
It is important to note that obtaining the required paperwork and obtaining approval can take a significant period of time. Whilst we cannot be specific about timelines as each case is different, it is not uncommon for the process of applying for an GFS position to take between three to six months. We ask that prospective GFS doctors and hosts read the information provided carefully, as providing the required information in a timely fashion will reduce processing times.
Find out more
Global Fellowship Scheme – applicant information
Global Fellowship Scheme - information for Trusts
IMGs training in the UK
If you have any queries or require further information please contact us via or call us on +44 (0)207 092 1559