RCoA Webinars RCoA Webinars Register for and watch the latest RCoA webinars RCoA and BJA centennial webinar series A century of progress in anaesthesia Information webinars Virtual roundtable - Addressing the retention challenge in anaesthesia ACSA information webinar Sustainability for anaesthetists – from everyday practice to the big picture webinar Talking straight on racism Raising the standards, RCoA quality improvement compendium – launch webinar Anaesthetists in training webinars Anaesthetists in Training webinar – recruitment Anaesthetists in Training webinar – examinations Webinar for Scottish trainers and anaesthetists in training COVID-19 webinars RCoA webinar: working through the pandemic Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic FRCA examinations update - changes due to COVID-19 Obstetric anaesthesia and COVID-19 Target Zero RCoA and BJA Webinar series: From the Editor’s Desk Anaesthesia and cancer. time to change practice? Women in Anaesthesia: Progress and challenges Perioperative pulmonary complications Perioperative Management of the Frail Older Surgical Patient: from Research to Clinical Practice Tough Decisions: How Editors Decide Which Papers to Publish Chronic Opioid Use: the Other Pandemic How to Read a Paper: Insights from BJA Editors Joint webinars Managing Bariatric Airways - DAS, SOBA, OAA and RCoA joint webinar Management of haematoma after thyroid surgery RCoA and RA-UK joint webinar: BLOCKS FOR THE MANY (not just the few) DAS and RCoA Webinar: Airway Training in the post COVID era Wellbeing International Academy of Colleges of Anaesthesiologists (IACA) Wellbeing Webinar Wellbeing, reflection and being prepared for the emerging surge National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) The impact of COVID-19 on emergency laparotomy in England and Wales Getting more from NELA data Clinical Content Lead for webinars Dr Gunjeet Dua