Consultation and Endorsement
The RCoA offers collaboration on guidance through its Consultation and Endorsement Group, which is made up of members of RCoA Council and PatientsVoices@RCoA.
The RCoA will respond to consultation requests for the RCoA’s opinion or expertise from relevant medical or governmental organisations.
We ask for a minimum of six weeks to review resources and provide consultation comments.
Endorsement is reserved for resources with which the College is in full agreement and that is in line with our charitable objects. Endorsed resources can display the RCoA logo and the provision of an RCoA statement confirming formal endorsement. The RCoA will communicate the endorsement to members and otherwise contribute to the promotion of the endorsed product, wherever possible.
For the RCoA to endorse a publication, the RCoA Council must agree with the content, namely that it aligns with the RCoA guidelines, policies and training function, and that endorsement is in line with the RCoA’s charitable objects.
For this reason, we strongly recommend that organisations developing a resource request a named RCoA representative to contribute to its development from the outset. The RCoA representative helps to ensure that any issues that may prevent endorsement are resolved early in the process, and they are expected to regularly update the RCoA on progress.
We ask for a minimum of six weeks prior to sign-off to review the resource, collate comments and provide a response to the request for endorsement. Please bear in mind that it may take a number of additional weeks to appoint a RCoA representative.
The RCoA provides endorsement of material for a duration of five years or until the review date published in the material, whichever is the longer period. The RCoA reserves the right to withdraw its representative or decline to endorse a publication.
Download the Endorsement Policy below.
Devolved nations
In some instances, resources will pertain solely to a devolved nation and therefore it might be decided that their review would fall within the remit of the RCoA Board for that devolved nation. Requests will be referred to the Chair of the relevant devolved nations Board. For further information see the Endorsement Policy below.
Get in touch
For material which pertains solely to a devolved nation, please contact the Board chair.
Please send requests for endorsement of educational material and programmes to the Events and Professional Development Committee (
For all other queries including requests for a RCoA representative to contribute to the development of a resource, please contact Claire Flatt, Clinical Quality and Research Business Coordinator
When requesting a RCoA representative please provide the following information:
- Organisation/Stakeholder body leading the work and a named contact with contact details
- Terms of reference
- Meeting dates or frequency of meetings if dates are not yet scheduled
- Expected outcome (e.g. report, guidelines, position statement, survey) and timeframe
- Existing guidelines (if relevant)
- Expertise required