Account FAQs

How do I activate my account?  

Please follow these instructions:

  • Click the grey ‘Login’ button at the top of the page
  • Click the Register now hyperlink

  • Enter your email address – the one matched to your membership contact. (This should be entered in all lowercase letters)
  • Click the pink Send Verification Code button
  • Check your email inbox for the code
  • Go back and enter the verification code
  • Click Verify Code
  • Enter Password
  • Confirm your Password (make sure your password and confirm password match)
  • Click Create
  • You will then be logged into your account.

What details do I need to log into my account? 

Once your account has been successfully activated, you will need the following to log in:  

  • Email
  • Password.

Why can’t I log into my account? 

Check if you are using the correct email. It should be the main one on your membership record. If your email and log in details need changing, please contact us via

Is your password not working? In the first instance use the ‘Forgot my password’ button on the login page to reset your password. If you're still having issues, please contact us via, and we will organise for this to be checked.  

Why can I not see my contact details/ membership details when logged into my account? 

A small number of Fellows and Members in our CRM have the same email attached to their contact record. If, when you login into your account you find minimal information appearing please contact us via, with your CRN and email. The team will then check for duplicate records, carry out the required actions and let you know the next steps. 

Details you can change in your account

  • Known As – how would you prefer we address you in our communications?
  • Address – have you recently moved? You can update your address here easily and quickly. 
  • Phone number - have you recently changed your number? Or is there a better contact number for you?

Details you cannot change, but can submit a request to be reviewed for consideration and why:  

  • Title, First Name and Last Name –  If your GMC record has been updated to your new title, first name and last name then we will action your change request. If you're not working in the UK, we will action your request.
  • Email – this is linked to your account, so we will have to update both your membership record and your account before you can use your new email on our systems. 

How can I access BJA and BJA Education editions? 

If this is part of your membership benefits, dependent on your membership category, you can use the flipbook in your account to view all the articles in the edition reflected. To access other editions, please click on the BJA button at the bottom of your account to access the full BJA library via the BJA Anaesthesia website. 

Can I download my receipts for membership payments?  

Sign into your account and click on the ‘Latest invoice’ button. This will send a request directly to our CRM system, which will then send an email, with the most recent invoice attachment, to the email on your membership record. 

If you have a monthly Direct Debit Instalment payment schedule, please send this request to us via, the online account doesn't currently have the functionality to reflect these types of invoices/ receipts of payment. 

How do I access receipt(s) from a previous year? 

Currently, you can only request the most recent invoice to be sent directly to you. For other years, please email us with your request, including the tax years you wish to be covered, via  

My profile shows my membership is still due for payment, but I have a Direct Debit set up. 

If you have a monthly Direct Debit Instruction set up with us, this currently isn't reflected correctly on your account. We are looking to rectify this in our next phase of development work. If you’re not sure please check your most recent renewal notification correspondence from us, otherwise please contact us via

How do I change my email? 

If you have changed your email recently and need to update both your membership record, to ensure you continue to receive our correspondence, and your account so you can still access your profile, please email us via to notify us.

We will update your membership record and then request the digital team remove your existing email. 

We will notify you when this has been updated and send you the verification link and instruction to reactivate your account using your new email. 

Technical issues  

If none of the above helps, please contact us via with an outline of your issue and the following information:

  • Screen shot of the error (if possible) 
  • Time and date the issue occurred 
  • The device you are using (e.g. personal laptop or work desktop computer)  
  • The browser your device was using (e.g. Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).