Past Deans and Presidents
This list includes each of the Deans of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Presidents of the College and Royal College of Anaesthetists.

President, 2018-2021

President, 2015 to 2018

President, 2012 to 2015

President, 2009 to 2012

President, 2006 to 2009

President, 2003 to 2006

President, 2000 to 2003

President, 1997 to 2000

President, 1994 to 1997

President, 1991 to 1994
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

President, 1988 to 1991

Dean, 1985 to 1988

Dean, 1982 to 1985

Dean, 1979 to 1982

Dean, 1976 to 1979

Dean, 1973 to 1976

Dean, 1970 to 1973

Dean, 1967 to 1970

Dean, 1964 to 1967
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

Dean, 1961 to 1964
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

Dean, 1958 to 1961
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

Dean, 1955 to 1958
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

Dean, 1952 to 1955
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here

Dean, 1948 to 1952
Lives of the Fellows form available to view here