Sponsor or exhibit at an RCoA event
Showcase your brand, products and services to an engaged audience of doctors in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine. We have sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities available for in-person and virtual professional development events, plus online magazines, e-newsletters, and other digital media.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists' professional development events and digital media reach tens of thousands of anaesthetists, intensivists, pain specialists and related practitioners every year.
Professional development events
Our events programme include lectures, hands-on workshops and webinars held across the UK and virtually, providing lifelong learning across all anaesthetic grades.
- Lecture-based events attract between 80 and 1,000 delegates, feature world-renowned speakers, last between 1 and 3 days and often include opportunities to network and socialise, plus hybrid options for remote delegates.
- Workshops are designed for classes of 30-40 people, focusing on subjects including airway, teaching and learning and more. They often involve hands-on skills sessions, and have a smaller teacher-delegate ratio.
- Virtual events and courses attract anaesthetists from around the world and provide flexible learning to suit everyone.
Digital content
We have a range of digital media sponsorship and advertising channels.
- The RCoA's digital Bulletin reaches every Member, four times a year, and features multimedia advertisements at various sizes and levels of prominence.
- Subject-specific newsletters go to thousands of members and non-members alike, often monthly, and can feature multiple banner ads.
- Anaesthesia on Air, the College podcast, is growing in popularity, and has had over 160,000 listens to date.
For sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities get in touch: events@rcoa.ac.uk.
Or read on learn more about the College and its membership, and find out how you can support the critical work of the Royal College of Anaesthetists through your sponsorship and advertisements.

Face to face exhibition packages
- Your company's logo will feature on the event web page
- Your company's website will be linked to from the event webpage
At the event
- A 3x2m stand space
- Places for two people to attend and man the stand, including refreshments and lunch
- Your companies logo on the event holding slide
- The chair of the event will thank you for your support in their opening speech
Additional items
- Copy of the delegate list (names and total only)
- Opportunity to place giveaways at the event
1 day - £750 ex vat
subsequent days - £575 ex vat
Includes everything in the standard package and in addition:
- Your company will feature in the joining instructions email, thanking you for your support
- Your companies profile will appear on the supporting sponsors section of the event webpage
- Your company will feature in one social media post on Twitter thanking you for your support
At the event
- The number of places you have for your staff to attend and man the stand will increase from two to three. This includes refreshments and lunch
1 day - £1,095 ex vat
subsequent days - £865 ex vat
Includes everything in the premium package and in addition:
Your company's logo will feature on the registration page
At the event
- The number of places you have for your staff to attend and man the stand will increase from three to four. This includes refreshments and lunch
- Your stand will be upgraded from a 3x2m stand to a 6x2m stand
Additional items
- Your company will be the only sponsor for the event
1 day - £1,730 ex vat
subsequent days - £1,385 ex vat
Virtual sponsorship packages
- Your company's logo will feature on the event web page
- Your company's website will be linked to from the event webpage
At the event
- Places for two people to attend the virtual event or course
- Your companies logo on the event holding slide
- The chair of the event will thank you for your support in their opening speech
Additional items
- Copy of the delegate list (names and total only)
1 day - £550 ex vat
subsequent days - £440 ex vat
Includes everything in the standard package and in addition:
- Your company will feature in the joining instructions email, thanking you for your support
- Your companies profile will appear on the supporting sponsors section of the event webpage
- Your company will feature in one social media post on Twitter thanking you for your support
At the event
- The number of places you have for your staff to attend the event will increase from two to three.
- A pre-recorded 60-second video or PowerPoint can be displayed once per day during the event
1 day - £850 ex vat
subsequent days - £680 ex vat
Includes everything in the premium package and in addition:
Your company's logo will feature on the registration page
At the event
- The number of places you have for your staff to attend the event will increase from three to four.
Additional items
- Your company will be the only sponsor for the event
1 day - £1,350 ex vat
subsequent days - £1,080 ex vat
Anaesthesia annual conference exhibition packages
- Your company's logo will feature on the event web page
- Your company's website will be linked to from the event webpage
At the event
- A 3x2m stand space
- Places for two people to attend and man the stand, including refreshments and lunch
- Your companies logo on the event holding slide
- The chair of the event will thank you for your support in their opening speech
Additional items
- Copy of the delegate list (names and total only)
£ 3,145 ex vat
Includes everything in the standard package and in addition:
- Your company will feature in the joining instructions email, thanking you for your support
- Your companies profile will appear on the supporting sponsors section of the event webpage
- Your company will feature in one social media post on Twitter thanking you for your support
At the event
- The number of places you have for your staff to attend and man the stand will increase from two to three. This includes refreshments and lunch
£4,190 ex vat
Sponsored lunchtime session
- 30 minute session, including Q&A time.
- An area that can hold at least 50 delegates.
- RCoA to promote details of the sponsored symposium to delegates, through listing on the programme and the website.
- Symposia listed in the joining instructions email sent to delegates a week before Anaesthesia 2024.
- Up to two complimentary one-day tickets for your invited guest speakers to attend Anaesthesia 2024 on the day of your planned symposium.
- The cost of standard AV, includes screen and microphones
£4000 ex VAT
Only two slots available
Sponsored main track conference session
- Acknowledgement on the programme for sponsoring the session.
- Link on the programme to a website link of the sponsor’s choosing
- Acknowledgement on session slide at start of session
- Acknowledgment by Chair of session
- 30 second video at the start of the session – video to be approved by RCoA
- Conference pass for the day of the session
£2000 ex VAT
£1200 ex VAT if also exhibiting
Only two slots available
- Exclusive company branding at the Drinks reception. This will include your branding/logo on the TVs within the foyer area where the drinks reception will take place.
- Exclusive newsletter sent out to all Anaesthesia 2025 attendees, before the event, announcing the drinks reception and your sponsorship of it. This will be sent by the RCoA to those attending and will have their branding at the top but we can offer you up to 200 words to include within the mailer.
- A special thank you from the chair for your involvement and sponsorship.
- 2 x complimentary tickets to Anaesthesia 2025 on Tuesday 20 May.
- Your details promoted on the Anaesthesia 2025 website and within the event programme.
£3,500 ex VAT
- Exposure to 100 key decision makers in Anaesthetic industry at our annual dinner on Wednesday 21 May
- Opportunity to place branding in the form of pop-up banners (2 maximum) around the venue
- In association with’ on all literature and signage
- Opportunity for a short speaking slot
- Promotional items placed on each place setting for all guests
- Table for 10 at the event
£6,500 ex VAT
Bulletin advertising
500 words and one large image, with one medium image or video.
£2,000 ex VAT
Max two advertorials per issue.
Embedded video advertisement. 336 x 280 px. Embed code from YouTube or Vimeo. Maximum 15 seconds long.
Exclusive £2,200 ex VAT
Standard £1,500 ex VAT
JPEG, PNG or GIF (max 10 secs)
336 x 280 px
Exclusive £1,925 ex VAT
Standard £1,375 ex VAT
JPEG, PNG or GIF (max 10 secs)
336 x 280 px
Exclusive £1,650 ex VAT
Standard £1,100 ex VAT
Podcast Advertising
The RCoA Anaesthesia on Air podcast releases two 20-40-minute episodes per month. It is available on all main podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music.
Our podcast channel recieves between 2000 and 6000 listens per month. Most listeners are based in the UK, with strong followings from Australia, India, South Africa and the USA. Subscribers range across all age brackets, but mostly in the 23–45 year range.
Standard adverts are priced at £400 ex VAT per advert per episode. Two slots are available per episode.
Premium adverts are exclusive slots placed with episodes on in-demand topics, with high listener engagement. They cost £995 ex VAT per episode.
Event email advert
The RCoA Education and Events team sends out one event promotional email per month to its opted in database. This email is sent to 18,000 recipients and has a 35% open rate.
We have three options for advertising in this email
Top banner
There is one top banner slot available per email, which ensures your brand has maximum impact.
£1,375 ex vat per email
Middle banner
Two middle banner slots per email.
£995 ex vat per email
Bottom banner
One bottom banner slot per email. A cost-effective way for you to promote your brand.
£750 ex vat per email
We have supported the RCoA for the last few years, most notably at the annual Anaesthesia conference. We always find that the events are very professionally managed and offer our company great exposure to a very engaged audience, who are always very keen to see the latest innovations on offer. We are happy to continue supporting the RCoA, not only to boost our profile in the Anaesthesia market but to support the continued development of its members and the fantastic education programme at RCoA events.”
For event sponsorship, exhibiting and podcast advertising opportunities contact us: events@rcoa.ac.uk
For Bulletin advertising, view rate cards, deadlines and contact information here.
What organisations have the RCoA received payments from for advertising, exhibition stands or sponsorship?
AFT Pharmaceuticals UK
Allscripts Healthcare
Arcomedical Infusion
Armstrong Medical
Army Medical Services
Astellas Pharma
B Braun
Barts Health NHS Trust (Project Tooth Fairy)
Baxter Healthcare
BD Medical
BH Ultrasound
BK Medical
Blink Medical
Bloomsbury Health
Boston Scientific
Cardiac Services
Central Medical Supplies
Chalice Medical
Cook UK
Creo Medical
Deltex Medical
Distinctive Medical
Dot Medical
Draegar Medical
Edward Life Sciences
Edwards Lifesciences
Esteve Pharmaceuticals
Event Management Direct
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Flynn Pharma
Galen Limited
Gwenagen (Neurothechnicas)
Halyard Health
Happy Med
Hartley Taylor
HCA Healthcare
Healing Insight Technologies
ID Medical
Impact Course
Infusion Healthcare
Intensive Care Society
Inventiv Health Commercial Europe
Karl Storz Endoscopy
Kimal Plc
Kyowa Kirin
Leicester Pain Clinic
Lowenstein Medical
Mainstay Medical Limited
Medical Defence Union
Medical Protection
Mersey School of Anaesthesia
Air Life
Merck & Co
Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited
M-Integrated Solutions
NHS Grampian
Northern Health
Orion Pharma
Oxford University Press
Oxygen Care
Pentland Medical
Ramsay Health
Rivanna Medical
SISK Healthcare
Sope Opthalmics
Templars Medical Agency
The Medfall Group
The Phoenix Partnership
Torbay Pharmaceuticals
TSC Life
University College London
Vifor Pharma
Organisations or product and service categories the RCoA may not accept funding from.
Adverts, Advertorials, Exhibition space or sponsorship relating to the following categories will be refused outright, or referred for a decision:
Adult industry
Alcoholic products, alcohol companies, brewers, pub chains
Arms manufacturers
Baby milk products
Cosmetic surgery
Cult groups
Diet books, diet foods/drinks, diet products or diet services,
Foods, food retailers and supermarkets
Homeopathy, homeopathic medicines, herbal medicine, other complementary medicine or therapies
International recruitment
Nicotine replacement therapies including e-cigarettes
Products making scientific claims e.g., sports science drinks
Political groups
Private healthcare
Products that have an adverse impact on the environment
Religious groups
Tobacco companies
The College reserves the right to refuse any sponsorship income from these categories without explanation. If referred, acceptance will depend on context and content, and the decision made by the Membership, Media and Development Board in the first instance. This decision may be referred to other Boards and / or the College Council.
[last updated September 2024]