The College is committed to supporting our fellows and members throughout their careers regardless of age or region. When a fellow, member or anaesthetist in training passes away we are able to commemorate them by publishing a biography in the form of a submission to the Lives of the Fellows section of the website. A notification is recorded in the College Bulletin and a minute's silence is observed at a meeting of Council.
Obituaries will also be considered for inclusion on the website and will be shown on this page for one year from the date of receipt. They will then be retained in the Obituaries Archive.
For enquiries on Lives of the Fellows and obituaries, please contact

Dr David Mervyn Davies MA MB MRCP FFARCS FANZA(Hon)

Dr Andrew William Diamond FRCA
Dr Mark Mortimer Crosse MA MB BChir MRCS LRCP FRCA
Please visit our obituaries archive.