FRCA examination information

FRCA regulations and policies

The College upholds and governs the integrity and professional standards of the FRCA examinations and its examiners through a comprehensive set of regulations and policies. All regulations, policies and rules set out in these documents are approved by the Education, Training and Examination Board and are aligned to the General Medical Council's standards.

There are three separate sets of regulations, which are designed to regulate the procedures and processes essential to the smooth running of FRCA examinations:

The Primary and Final FRCA examinations regulations govern the content and conduct of the examinations leading to the award of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.  These regulations cover all areas of exam eligibility and application, they explain the rules regarding the number of attempts allowed and the validity of a exam pass.  These regulations, through their appendices, provide the policies which govern the protocols and rules regarding:

  • disability and reasonable adjustments
  • prize and commendation awards
  • dress code
  • electronic devices
  • misconduct
  • additional educational training requirements
  • feedback.

The appendices also set out the exam structures and the marking systems used across FRCA components.

The Primary and Final FRCA examinations (review and appeal) regulations advise candidates on how to request a re-calculation of their marks or request a review of the conduct of their examination, if they believe they have been treated unfairly. These regulations also informs candidates how to register a complaint, or apply for a formal appeal if they are not fully satisfied with the outcome of their review. It is essential that exam candidates familiarise themselves with these regulations before applying for a recalculation, exam review or appeal. No review or appeal can be based solely on examiner judgement. 

The FRCA selection and appointment of examiners regulations provide the details of FRCA examiner selection criteria and the appointment process. They advise examiners on the procedures used for review, standing down, adjustment of commitment and the expected conduct of examiners. The appendices in these regulations provide the examiner person specifications and the job description. Those applying to become an examiner are advised to read the person spec and the job description before submitting their application.