Becoming a FRCA Affiliate Examiner

The application window for Affiliate Examinership 

2024–2025 is now closed.

The application window for 2025/2026 will be advised in due course.


The FRCA examinations are an integral part of the College’s programme of assessment. These are high stake postgraduate examinations for anaesthetists that help ensure the practice of anaesthesia is delivered to a high standard within the UK.  

The FRCA examinations test the knowledge, skills, analysis and interpretation of data, clinical decision making, behaviours and attitudes as defined by the anaesthetic training curriculum. These exams evolve to reflect contemporary best educational and assessment practice and developments in anaesthesia. 

There are a total of 5 written exams per year, three at Primary (stage 1) level and 2 at Final (stage 2) and 5 clinical oral exams, again three at Primary (stage 1) level and 2 at Final (stage 2). 

The examinations are produced by experienced subject matter experts, who are consultants, SAS doctors and higher trainees, and have an interest and experience in medical education.  

Affiliate Examiners are professional posts undertaken on a voluntary basis. Duties comprise writing and reviewing questions and participation in panel meetings. Three full-day meetings are held at different points in the year, two virtually, one in person at the College. Additional contribution is required in terms of responding to emails.  

Continuing Professional Development points are available as well as the ability to enhance personal clinical knowledge and apply this to your teaching.  

Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with College’s policy. This activity will count favourably in full examinership applications.  



To be eligible to apply to become an Affiliate Examiner for the FRCA examination, applicants must:  

Be a current member of the Royal College of Anaesthetists 

Have passed the FRCA examination (higher trainee- ST6-7)  or equivalent educational background (SAS doctors)

Be in active clinical practice in the UK (consultant anaesthetist, SAS grade anaesthetists, higher trainee- ST6-7)  

Be in good standing with the College   

Be fully registered with the GMC   

Be available to serve for a two-year term (renewable)  



Affiliate Examiners will join one of two panels: 

  1. FRCA SBA Panel 

This panel produces Single Best Answer questions for Primary and Final FRCA SBA examinations in accordance with the syllabi for stage 1 and 2 training. Items produced may be channelled in 2 ways: the live item bank or as candidate resources. 

  1. FRCA OSCE Panel 

This panel produces questions for the Primary OSCE. Since the examinations are undergoing a transition in response to the independent review published in February 2023, Affiliate Examiners will be engaged in first producing pilot questions for a new exam format and later live questions for the bank in accordance with the blueprint for the exam and the syllabus for stage 1 training.   

Successful applicants must: 

  1. attend 2-3 panel meetings a year. 

  1. submit a sufficient amount of SBA /OSCE questions a year (minimum to be agreed with WP leads). 

  1. respond promptly, with comments, when sent draft questions to peer review. 

  1. visit a clinical oral examination shortly after appointment. 

  1. agree not to disclose any information which they may gain about the examination by virtue of their position as an Affiliate Examiner to anyone external to the Board. 

  1. abide by the FRCA Code of Conduct, social media guidelines and the misconduct policy.  

  1. adhere to the College regulations on the Involvement in teaching, publishing, examination practice and revision courses. There is a clear conflict of interest in being an Affiliate Examiner at the same time as managing or playing an equally significant role in a local examination preparation course or the writing of revision textbooks.  

  1. agree to stand down from a Panel if, during their period of appointment, their circumstances change making them unable to meet any of the expected requirements. 

  1. agree to inform the Chair of the FRCA of any circumstances, such as ill health or suspension, or unsatisfactory performance in CPD which could affect their ability to be an Affiliate Examiner or call into question the good standing of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and its examining procedure. 

These eligibility criteria and requirements can be reviewed at the discretion of the panel chair.