Become a member
Interested in joining the College?
Just as you are by the side of your patients when it matters most, the Royal College of Anaesthetists is by your side to support you throughout your career.
How to apply
Answer the questions below to find out which membership category you might be eligible to apply for. The most appropriate application form will be identified for you to select, complete and submit to us.
MTI Doctors - if you have started your post and wish to become a member, apply for membership here
Need to renew your membership of the College?
Please call the Membership Engagement team on
020 7092 1700 to provide payment or
Membership categories and subscriptions
Details of all the membership categories the College offers and their benefits.
SAS and Specialty Doctors
The College acknowledges the pivotal role that doctors working in career posts make to the NHS and is keen to encourage all aspects of professional and career development.
Membership FAQs
Take a look at some of the questions regularly asked by individuals and the answers intended to help.