Dr Brian Arthur Sellick

Personal Details

Dr Brian Arthur Sellick FFARCS MRCS LRCP DA 

13/06/1918 - 13/07/1996

Place of birth: Dorking, Surrey

Nationality: UK

CRN: 516912

Education and qualifications

General education

Caterham School, Middlesex Hospital

Primary medical qualification(s)


Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA 1943


Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

1941-March 1942 Junior Resident Anaesthetist, Middlesex Hospital

March 1942-June 1944 Senior Resident Anaesthetist, Middlesex Hospital

June 1944- 1946 Specialist Anaesthetist, Surgeon Lieutenant RNVR Far East and Australia

1946-1948 Honorary Consultant Anaesthetist, Middlesex Hospital, Harefield Hospital and Royal Masonic Hospital

1948-78 Consultant Anaesthetist, Middlesex Hospital

Professional interests and activities

1962-78 Board Member, Faculty of Anaesthetists, RCS

1972-74 Vice-Dean, Faculty of Anaesthetists, RCS

1961-63 Member Council of Section of Anaesthesia RSM.

1975-77 Secretary, Section of Anaesthesia RSM

Great interest in cardiac anaesthesia; introduced vertical screen oxygenator to UK and expert in use of hypothermia for cardiac surgery.

Introduced concept of cricoid pressure to prevent passive regurgitation of gastric contents, which became known as Sellick’s Manoeuvre

1975 Hewitt Lecturer, Faculty of Anaesthetists, RCS

1989 Gold Medal, Royal College of Anaesthetists

1993 Hickman Medal, Section of Anaesthesia, RSM

Other biographical information

Married Florence MH Yarnell/Liddell in 1943 and they had three sons.

Chairman of South Hams Society interested in conservation of Knightsbridge area of Devon.

Member of local history society and the Devonshire Association.

Keen gardener and skilled in working with wood having an extensive workshop.

Regular theatre and concert attendee.


Author and sources

Author: David Wilkinson

Sources and comments: 

[1] Pallister WK. Obituary Brian Arthur Sellick. Anaesthesia 1996; 51: 1194-1195.

[2] Baskett PJF, Baskett TF. Brian Sellick, Cricoid pressure and Sellick Manouevre in Resuscitation Greats. Edited by Baskett PJF, Baskett TF. Clinical Press Limited. 2007. 286-288.