Dr James Sneddon

Personal Details

Dr James Sneddon MB ChB FFARCS DA

Known as Jim

04/04/1895 to 12/04/1968

Place of birth: Stockton-on-Tees, England

Nationality: British

CRN: 723967

Education and qualifications

General education Medical School, University of Glasgow 1915-16 and 1918-22
Primary medical qualification(s) MB ChB, University of Glasgow, 1922
Initial Fellowship and type FFARCS by Election
Year of Fellowship 1953
Other qualification(s) DA (RCP&S), 1946

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

By 1927 Sneddon moved to Manchester. He worked for the Manchester Medical and Panel Committee and served as its secretary in the 1930s. In the early 1940s he also worked for the Ministry of Pensions. By 1944 he was appointed a medical registrar at Ancoats Hospital, Manchester. In 1945 he undertook anaesthetic posts at Booth Hall Hospital, Stockport Infirmary and E.M.S. Hospitals. By 1946 he was also anaesthetist to Stepping Hill Hospital, Hope Hospital and Leigh Infirmary. In 1950 he was appointed Consultant Anaesthetist to the Oldham group of hospitals, which post he held until his retirement in 1964.  

Professional interests and activities

Sneddon was secretary of the Section of Medical Sociology at the annual meeting of the British Medical Association in 1929. He was a member of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the Manchester Medical Society. In 1961 he published “Evolution of a speciality” in the Manchester Medical Gazette.

Other biographical information

He married Eileen Sankey in 1941 and they had a daughter named Janet. A colleague described him as a dedicated doctor with a great personality, kind, generous and always ready to help when needed. Despite failing eyesight in his last years, he still attended anaesthetic meetings. He died in hospital aged 73, survived by his wife and daughter. 

Author and sources


Dr Alistair McKenzie

Sources and comments:

[1] Obituary. British Medical Journal 1968; I: 247. [2] Medical Registers and Directories. [3] Archives & Special Collections, University of Glasgow. [4] ancestry.co.uk