Let's Talk - A new home for the College

Come and join us for this month's live chat. At this free members only event you will have the opportunity to find out more about our plans for a new home for the College and to share your views with us.

17 days left

Key details

Date: 12 November 2024 7.00 - 8.30pm

Location: Online, Zoom

Availability: Places available

Clinical content lead(s): Dr Toni Brunning. Dr Claire Shannon and Dr Chris Carey

Let's Talk

This Let’s Talk event is an opportunity for you to find out more about our plans for a new home for the College and to share your views with us.

Over the last year or so, we’ve been reviewing the College’s Estate, primarily Churchill House and its fitness for purpose in serving our members and helping us deliver our charitable objectives. As a result, the Board of Trustees has recently approved a recommendation to sell Churchill House and find a new home for the College and Faculties.

This is an exciting opportunity for us, but it will take time and a lot of planning - it’s unlikely a move will happen before 2026. In looking for a new home, we will be led by our values and consider factors including sustainability, accessibility, innovation and affordability. Your views are important – we want to know what you think members need from a new building.

We’ll be joined by College President, Dr Claire Shannon, Vice Presidents Dr Toni Brunning and Dr Chris Carey, anaesthetist in training representative Dr Matthew Tuck and Chief Executive Jono Bruun. We will share more information about our plans and invite your questions and feedback.

All members of the College, FICM and FPM are invited to attend. We hope to see you there.

Let’s Talk is an event for members only. If those present agree, we will record the session for internal use.

Why is the College moving?  

We want College assets, including Churchill House, to work better for our members. Like most organisations, the pandemic revolutionised our working patterns and our building requirements. Moving many of our services online and hybrid working means we now have about twice as much space as we need. We have adjusted by bringing in tenants to occupy unused space, which has contributed financially, but isn’t sufficient. In addition, Churchill House needs a significant amount of investment to help it meet new regulations around sustainability and accessibility. To do this would be very expensive to deliver and could ultimately be unaffordable for us.  

You can read more about why we are moving in this Bulletin article by our Chief Executive, Jono Bruun.

Do you have any questions you would like to put to us in advance.  You can do so by emailing:  engage@rcoa.ac.uk and if you would prefer we will keep your question anonymous.