Quality Network - Spotlight on a Quality Network Regional Lead

We are starting a new series to spotlight the work of our regional leads.  Here Dr Jenny Illingworth talks about her QI work in North West London. 
I had been the QI lead for my anaesthetic department for around five years and was looking for a new challenge. After meeting with the Trust’s Director of Strategy, Research & Innovation I applied for a Consultant Advisor role with the Trust’s Improvement Team in May 2022.
The main project I was involved with was the organisation-wide introduction of a daily board round to improve the coordination of clinical care and facilitate early discharge home. The project spanned the three main hospital sites, included over 40 wards and required engagement with key stakeholders at ward, operational management and executive levels within the organisation.

Through the consultant advisor role I met many more people across the organisation in both clinical & non-clinical roles and gained experience of thinking through challenges at a more strategic level. The role also complemented the MBA I’m currently completing through the national apprenticeship levy scheme.
I have since been appointed as Clinical Lead for Health Improvement responsible for implementing a new trust-wide tobacco dependence treatment service. For anaesthetists interested in systems level improvement, I would recommend contacting their Improvement or Transformation team as I have found it a very positive experience.

Dr Jenny Illingworth, Quality Network Regional Lead for London (Imperial School of Anaesthesia)