Anaesthesia explained

Published: 01/03/2021

What is anaesthesia?


This online resource explains in detail how the team at the hospital will prepare you for an anaesthetic and what you can expect before, during and after an operation. 

It is a good place to start as it explains in detail what will happen from the beginning to end of your anaesthetic. It takes you through what an anaesthetic is and:

  • explains the different types of anaesthetics that may be on offer
  • makes suggestions about what you can do to prepare for your anaesthetic and also your recovery
  • shows you what will happen when you have your anaesthetic, and
  • it also suggests how and where you can find out more information.

It also provides basic information about the side effects and complications of anaesthesia and suggest how and where you can find out more.

This resource has been written by patients, patient representatives and anaesthetists, working together.



The word anaesthesia means ‘loss of sensation’. It can involve a simple local anaesthetic injection which numbs a small part of the body, such as a finger or around a tooth. It can also involve using powerful drugs which cause unconsciousness or ‘general anaesthesia’.

These drugs also affect the function of the heart, lungs and circulation. As a result, general anaesthesia is only given under the close supervision of an anaesthetist or anaesthesia associate, who is trained to consider the best way to give you an effective anaesthetic while keeping you safe and well.

The drugs used in local anaesthesia work by blocking the signals that pass along your nerves to your brain. When the drugs wear off, you start to feel normal sensations again.