Legacy curricula

This page provides information on training under the outgoing (2010) curriculum and guidance on transitioning to the current (2021) curriculum.


The rules and regulations governing training are contained within the curriculum. These are approved by the GMC, who are the regulators of training. The previous iteration of the curriculum was produced in 2010 and was last updated in August 2017. This curriculum was written in alignment with Standards for Curricula and Assessment Systems [GMC; 2010].

Each level of training is represented within the annex documents, and provide additional information on the requirements for completion of the training programme.

The 2021 CCT Anaesthetics Curriculum was approved by the GMC for implementation on 4 August 2021, and anaesthetists have been transitioning to train under the new guidance since. The deadline for gaining a CCT on the 2010 curriculum is 31 January 2024.

Details on moving from the 2010 to 2021 curriculum can be found here.

You will find guidance on 'top-up' training:

There is also guidance on preparing an LLp account for moving to the 2021 curriculum.

If you would like to contact us, you can email the Anaesthetics Curriculum and Equivalence Team on training@rcoa.ac.uk or call on 020 7092 1550.

Please let us know what you think. If you feel the information on this page could be improved, please get in touch with us.

Last reviewed: 3 November 2022

Next review due: 2 November 2023