
We provide several regular newsletters for our different members so they are kept up to date on all the latest news about the College and anaesthesia.

Our fellows and members can access the latest versions of President's News, The Gas Newsletter and The International Anaesthetist on My RCoA.

  • President's News

This is a monthly e-newsletter from the President of the College for all fellows and members. It highlights all the latest news from the College and the anaesthesia specialty.

  • The Gas Newsletter

The Gas Newsletter is published in the summer and winter with a trainee-themed issue of the Bulletin published in the spring.

The Newsletter is written by anaesthetists in training for anaesthetists in training – any comments, questions, articles, news or ideas are always appreciated. If you have feedback or would like to contribute an article of interest, please email us.

Our Anaesthetists in Training Committee also wants to hear about any issues you're experiencing during anaesthetic training, so please contact our team.

  • Articles should be emailed in Word to our team. Please include your full name and title.
  • A colour headshot of each author must be submitted with the article. However, if there are three or more authors, only the main author's image will be included because of space limitations.
  • Articles should be a maximum of 400 words, including any references and/or further reading. Please try to include at least one high resolution photograph to illustrate the article. If you’re unable to include an image, please suggest the type of image that could be used so that the College can source one from its own library.
  • All images, including author photos, should be submitted in JPG format and be at least 150dpi in resolution (this means the file size should be around 1MB in size). We are unable to accept images, graphics or illustrations embedded within a Word file as the quality is just too poor. Please do not submit files in PNG format.
  • Tables should consist of simple text with no complex formatting. Each table, figure or graph must have a title. It would be preferable to submit the original Excel file for any charts and graphs so that they can be formatted to fit with the College style.
  • Please declare any conflict of interest when you submit the article.
  • Spell out all abbreviations and/or acronyms within the text.
  • The author should be listed first in any references, and journal titles should be abbreviated.
  • All articles will be sent to a professional proofreader prior to publication and will be amended to fit with the College’s Style Guide. Please note the College prefers ‘anaesthetist in training’ rather than ‘trainee’ so articles will be edited accordingly.
  • The Editor reserves the right to edit articles for reasons of space or clarity.


  1. The author(s) confirm that if a patient or any other individual(s) can be identified in the article either in the text or by digital medium, then the written consent of such individual(s) is obtained and presented with the article.
  2. The author(s) confirm they have obtained written permission for the use of any copyrighted material.

The International Anaesthetist

This quarterly e-newsletter — published in February, May, August and November — is an opportunity to share updates with our diverse membership across the world. Each issue will include an update on the College’s international work and will feature sections written by you – our members – on your work and experiences wherever you are. You can also read articles from our partner organisations, highlighting the important work which is undertaken outside the UK.

We would be very keen to receive articles about activities based outside of the UK. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome future submissions.

  • Articles should be emailed in Word to our team. Please include your full name and title.

  • A colour headshot of each author must be submitted with the article. However, if there are three or more authors, only the main author's image will be included because of space limitations.
  • Articles should be no more than 300–400 words in length including any references and/or further reading. Please try to include at least one high resolution photograph to illustrate the article. If you’re unable to include an image, please suggest the type of image that could be used so that the College can source one from its own library, otherwise an image will be chosen for you.
  • All images, including author photos, should be submitted in JPG format and be at least 150dpi in resolution (this means the file size should be around 1MB in size). We are unable to accept images, graphics or illustrations embedded within a Word file as the quality is just too poor. Please do not submit files in PNG format.
  • Tables should consist of simple text with no complex formatting. Each table, figure or graph must have a title. It would be preferable to submit the original Excel file for any charts and graphs so that they can be formatted to fit with the College style.
  • Please declare any conflict of interest when you submit the article.
  • Spell out all abbreviations and/or acronyms within the text.
  • The author should be listed first in any references, and journal titles should be abbreviated.
  • All articles will be sent to a professional proofreader prior to publication and will be amended to fit with the College’s Style Guide.
  • The Editor reserves the right to edit articles for reasons of space or clarity.


  1. The author(s) confirm that if a patient or any other individual(s) can be identified in the article either in the text or by digital medium, then the written consent of such individual(s) is obtained and presented with the article.
  2. The author(s) confirm they have obtained written permission for the use of any copyrighted material.

Our fellows and members can access the latest versions of President's News, The Gas Newsletter and The International Anaesthetist on My RCoA.