2021 Curriculum Assessment Guidance
Multiple Trainer Reports (MTR)
MTRs summary
- The fundamental purpose of the MTR is to ascertain whether the anaesthetist in training is making satisfactory progress for their stage of training or not.
- Completing an MTR can be as simple as answering the opening question and providing feedback in the general comments box.
- The curriculum domains are there to enable trainers to put additional comments on different domains if they wish to. Trainers do not have to comment on each domain.
- MTRs for the IAC should have:
- an answer to the first question: Is the anaesthetist in training making satisfactory progress for their stage of training?
- comments on Professional Behaviours and Communication, Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion, and General Anaesthesia domains as a minimum; additional comments in other domains are at the discretion of the trainer
- general feedback which can include aspects such as non-clinical skills.
MTRs detailed outline
The MTR replaces the existing consultant feedback mechanism suggested in the 2010 curriculum and reflects the greater emphasis on the professional judgement of the trainer as part of a revised programme of assessment.
The MTR is a mandatory requirement to support progression at critical progression points of the new curriculum. The MTR will be triggered and collated by the College Tutor or Educational Supervisor and the results discussed with the anaesthetist in training and their educational supervisor.
A satisfactory MTR is an essential requirement in order to support the completion of each HALO for each of the Domains of Learning.
A satisfactory MTR is also an essential requirement for the attainment of the IAC and IACOA as part of the EPA process.
Trainers have the opportunity to report on the progress of the anaesthetist in training, including areas of excellence and areas for further development. Such feedback should encompass both the specialty specific and generic professional aspects of the curriculum.
A minimum of 3 individual MTR responses are required for the process to be considered valid. A minimum of one MTR is required per year of training.
A single MTR can illustrate progress across all the HALOs of the curriculum.
This MTR process if distinct from the Multi Source Feedback (MSF) which continues unchanged in the new curriculum.
Anaesthetists in the ACCS training programme should complete an ACCS specific multiple trainer report (‘ACCS MTR/MCR’ on LLp) during their ACCS rotations. Please see the ACCS website for further information.
MTRs on Lifelong Learning
Trainers need to have the role of "Educational supervisor" on their LLP to create MTRs. They can be created through the Supervising tab on the LLP. MTR feedback requests (MTRFs) appear in the assessing tab.
Once the MTR has been closed by the supervisor, the anaesthetist in training will have the ability to name and complete the MTR.
Favourite assessors
Trainers can add a list of favourite assessors from their MTR participants list. These favourite assessors are automatically added to the list of participants every time a new MTR is created.
This list can be edited by clicking on "Add participants", removing the assessor from the MTR, then removing them from the favourite assessors list.