2021 Curriculum Assessment Guidance

Published: 14/11/2022

Multi Source Feedback (MSF)

The MSF, unlike the other SLEs, provides specific feedback on generic skills such as communication,

leadership, team working, reliability, etc., across the domains of Good Medical Practice from a

wide range of individuals who have worked with the anaesthetist in training in the current training

year. Other SLEs are a snapshot in time covering a clinical episode, where the MSF is used to

measure an anaesthetist in training’s performance across a broader period of time and informs the

assessment of achievement of learning outcomes.

Anaesthetists in training are required to have at least one MSF completed for each training year

and MSFs can be conducted in anaesthesia, pain medicine or ICM. The anaesthetist in training

identifies a minimum of 12 people (who should be from a mixture of disciplines) with whom they

have worked, for example, consultants, theatre staff, recovery staff, ODPs, midwives and

administrative staff, and sends a request through the LLp.

MSFs on Lifelong Learning

Anaesthetists in training initiate an MSF and select participants to send requests for feedback to. The educational supervisor listed on their current placement will have oversight of this MSF and can view feedback and comments as they are filled in by participants.

When the appropriate number of responses have been received, the anaesthetist in training will request closure of their MSF. Their educational supervisor can review and either close the MSF or return it to the trainee with comments, for eg to add more participants. 

Once the supervisor closes the MSF, it can no longer be reopened or returned. The supervisor will now have the opportunity to moderate any comments, and will need to click "Send feedback" to release the anonymised feedback to the learner.