
Dr Jason Walker is a consultant anaesthetist working in the district general hospital Ysbyty Gwynedd in Wales - here he discusses what led him to want to become a FRCA examiner.
Dr Elizabeth Yates is an anaesthetist registrar in Milton Keynes. Here, she details her experiences of working through the COVID-19 pandemic, from responding to the first wave to catching the virus and balancing home life with exams.
Dr Jenny Parsons, Consultant Anaesthetist and College Tutor at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, attended the RCoA’s virtual Regional Leads Day on 26 February. Here she explains why the 2021 Curriculum will improve both the trainer and trainee experience.
Dr Liz Thomas is a consultant in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine at the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust. She is passionate about helping trainees through their career and recently became an examiner for the Final FRCA.