
To celebrate Black History Month, we are inviting black anaesthetists to share their experiences, as we reflect on what more the College can do to support the theme of Time for change: actions not words.
We’ve been celebrating South Asian Heritage Month at the College sharing our experiences of the region, people, values and culture.
Dr Toni Brunning and Dr Adam Brayne ask for help from members on improving areas of the Lifelong Learning Platform Logbook.
Trainees Phoebe Scarfield, Jack Ryan and Rosalind Jones share their experiences of working on SNAP-3, a RCoA national research project involving anaesthetists and geriatricians. They reflect on the collaborative nature of perioperative medicine services.
New places in Council will ensuring that anaesthetists at all stages of their career are fully involved with and represented by the RCoA .
Yin Jones and Veena Soni, members of the Lay Committee were invited to join the panel discussion, hosted by the Ethics Committee on Assisted Dying, at Anaesthesia 2022. Here they recounted a few conference highlights:
To raise awareness of the Glenda Logsdail case and improve interpretation of capnography waveform shapes amongst teams, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust has designed a capnography ‘tea trolley’ training programme.