
This Black History Month has been a veritable feast of content – there has been something for all tastes and much to explore.
Dr Sarah Muldoon, RCoA Council member, representing Anaesthetists in Training talks about what motivated her to run for Council and encourages those thinking about nominating themselves to do just that.
RCoA Vice-President, Professor William Harrop-Griffiths recaps a discussion with Dawn Chamberlain and Dr Cian Wade on a recently launched report entitled ‘10 lessons learnt from COVID-19’.
Dr Mitul Patel is a Clinical Fellow at Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and in his blog gives sage advice to those Anaesthetists in Training pursuing a CT3.
As part of South Asian Heritage month, RCoA Council member Dr Ashwini Keshkamat discusses the importance of diverse voices to help encourage SAS doctors to consider running for RCoA Council.
Dr Abrie Theron is Clinical Director at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. He’s a member of RCoA Council and is passionate about perioperative care. Here, he reflects on how Cardiff managed the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Andrew Hartle was the first out gay President of the Association of Anaesthetists, and co-opted member of the RCoA Council. Here, he writes about his experiences co-chairing his Trust’s LGBTQ+ network, its challenges and his hopes for the future.