CCT in Anaesthetics - Stage 1 Training

Published: 22/10/2024

Regional Anaesthesia (RA)

1_RA_A: Explains clearly to patients the risks and benefits of regional anaesthesia

1_RA_A_1 Obtaining consent form patients undergoing regional blockade


1_RA_B: Describes the indications and contraindications to regional anaesthesia techniques

1_RA_B_1 Advantages/disadvantages, risks/benefits and indications/contraindications of regional blockade

1_RA_C: Practices measures to avoid wrong-site blocks

1_RA_C_1 Safety measures to prevent wrong site blocks such as Stop Before You Block

1_RA_D: Performs spinal anaesthesia for ASA 1-3 surgical patients independently

1_RA_D_1 Principles of performing, and potential complications of, subarachnoid and lumbar/caudal epidural anaesthesia procedures

1_RA_E: Performs simple peripheral nerve blocks with ultrasound

1_RA_E_1 Describes clinical features and potential complications of common simple nerve blocks, including principles of performing:  Interscalene and Axillary brachial plexus blocks, distal upper limb nerve blocks (elbow and wrist)

1_RA_F: Performs ultrasound-guided femoral or fascia iliaca blocks independently

1_RA_F_1 Describes clinical features and potential complications of common plane and Lower Limb blocks, including principles of performing: Femoral nerve blocks, fascia iliaca blocks

1_RA_G: Identifies and initiates initial management of complications of regional anaesthesia including systemic local anaesthetic toxicity, high spinal and dural puncture headache

1_RA_G_1 The immediate management of accidental dural puncture and treatment of post-dural puncture headache
1_RA_G_2 Accidental intravenous administration of local anaesthetic drugs, signs, symptom and management including the role of lipid emulsion
1_RA_G_3 Management of incomplete or failed regional blockade including, where appropriate, the use of rescue blocks
1_RA_G_4 Post-operative analgesia following regional anaesthesia
1_RA_G_5 Review of regional anaesthesia post-operatively including instructions for the patient

1_RA_H: Provides epidural or combined spinal-epidural analgesia for labour in the ASA 1-3 obstetric patient, and offers other forms of pain relief when neuraxial analgesia is contraindicated

1_RA_H_1 Methods of analgesia during labour and discusses their indications and contraindications
1_RA_H_2 Epidural of CSE analgesia in labour; indications, contraindications and complications

1_RA_I: Provides neuraxial anaesthesia for operative delivery and other obstetric procedures in ASA 1-3 patients and manages the inadequate neuraxial block

1_RA_I_1 Provision of regional anaesthesia for operative delivery
1_RA_I_2 Understands the need and when to call for assistance with regional block for obstetric anaesthesia

1_RA_J: Discusses the scientific basis of ultrasound and the generation of ultrasound images

1_RA_J_1 Physical principles of generation of ultrasound images
1_RA_J_2 Demonstrates use of ultrasound for nerve identification

1_RA_K: Discusses drugs and equipment used in regional anaesthesia

1_RA_K_1 Knowledge of drugs used for regional anaesthesia including doses and toxicity
1_RA_K_2 Safe use of equipment for provision of regional anaesthesia