CCT in Anaesthetics - Stage 1 Training

Published: 22/10/2024

Procedural sedation (PS)

1_PS_A: Conducts appropriate pre-assessment of patients with respect to sedation; understands patient related risk factors and plans accordingly

1_PS_A_1 Use of explanations and reassurance in alleviating the patient’s anxiety
1_PS_A_2 Patient factors that may affect provision of safe procedural sedation

1_PS_B: Chooses safe, appropriate sedative drugs to deliver conscious sedation

1_PS_B_1 Rationale for the use of different anxiolytic and sedative drugs

1_PS_C: Describes the particular dangers associated with the use of single or combinations of sedative drugs particularly in the frail, elderly or critically ill patient and those requiring transfer

1_PS_C_1 Applied pharmacology of sedative and anxiolytic drugs

1_PS_D: Monitors a sedated patient’s physiology appropriately

1_PS_D_1 Demonstrates use of monitoring for a sedated patient

1_PS_E: Ensures the provision of safe post-procedural care

1_PS_E_1 Appropriate care and monitoring of patients following a procedure under sedation

1_PS_F: Explains the different levels of sedation and appreciates the risks associated with these

1_PS_F_1 Knowledge of sedation assessment methods such as RASS

1_PS_G: Recognises and manages the complications of sedation

1_PS_G_1 Demonstrates assessment and management of complications of sedation