CCT in Anaesthetics - Stage 1 Training

Published: 22/10/2024

Safety and Quality Improvement (SQI)

1_SQI_A: Describes quality improvement theories and methodologies


Knowledge of system of profound knowledge (SOPK) and model for improvement


1_SQI_C: Compares audit, research and quality improvement


Describes the different role for data for audit, research and quality improvement


1_SQI_E: Describes the common threats to patient safety in theatre and the perioperative period, and describes how these are minimised by day-to-day work routines


Factors that contribute to drug errors in anaesthesia and strategies to reduce them


1_SQI_H: Demonstrates the importance of the non-technical aspects of care such as situation awareness, task management, decision making and team working in anaesthetic practice.


Demonstration of satisfactory non-technical skills in clinical performance exam


1_SQI_K: Describes the requirements and processes for raising concerns


Knowledge of how to raise concerns in the NHS


1_SQI_L: Explains and demonstrates duty of candour


Demonstration of the principles of the GMC’s Professional Duty of Candour


1_SQI_M: Prescribes and administers drugs safely


Demonstrates safe prescribing practice