2021 Curriculum learning syllabus: stage 2
Published: 09/02/2021
Stage learning outcome
- Recognises safeguarding concerns in patients and healthcare professionals
Key capabilities
A |
Identifies, documents and acts on child protection and vulnerable patient concerns |
B |
Communicates effectively with appropriate teams, appreciating the issues of confidentiality, consent, information sharing and data protection |
C |
Applies the principles of adult safeguarding: empowerment, prevention, proportionality, protection, accountability, partnership |
D |
Applies the mental capacity legislation in clinical practice to protect the safety of individuals and society, and to address appropriate consent to treatment |
E |
Describes the needs and support required for people with learning disabilities, autism, acute confusion, dementia and mental illness |
Examples of evidence
Experience & logbook:
- range of surgical specialties and patient groups in theatre setting, obstetrics, pre-operative assessment clinics and Intensive Care Unit.
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) can be used to demonstrate:
- management of consent with a child or adolescent involving parents
- knowledge of the local procedure for referral of a child for safeguarding concerns
- involvement with cases where there are safeguarding issues with children or adults
- adjustment to pre-operative assessment and consent when dealing with vulnerable adults or children
- involvement with cases dealing with vulnerable adults and children as listed in key capability E.
Personal Activities and Personal Reflections may include:
- attendance at local mandatory training including safeguarding, information governance and mental capacity act
- experience of the involvement of an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate.
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- Professional Behaviours and Communication
- Education and Training
- all specialty specific domains.