2021 Curriculum learning syllabus: stage 1

Published: 04/02/2021


Stage learning outcome

  • Describes the importance of safeguarding vulnerable people

Key capabilities


Explains local procedures for safeguarding vulnerable children and adults


Discusses the principles of adult safeguarding; empowerment, prevention, proportionality, protection, partnership, accountability


Communicates effectively with vulnerable patients


Recognises potential forms of abuse of vulnerable adult and children and the various contexts in which they may occur


Classifies the different forms of maltreatment that can occur


Complies with professional requirements and legal processes when obtaining consent from vulnerable patients


Describes escalation triggers and processes

Examples of evidence

Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) can be used to demonstrate:
  • management of consent in an adult who does not have capacity
  • knowledge of the local procedure for referral of an adult for safeguarding concerns
  • involvement with cases where there are safeguarding issues with children or adults.

Personal Activities and Personal Reflections may include:

  • attendance at local mandatory training including safeguarding
  • e-Learning: child and adult safeguarding
  • e-Learning: mental capacity act.

Cross links with other domains and capabilities

  • Professional Behaviours and Communication
  • Education and Training