2021 Curriculum learning syllabus: stage 1

Published: 04/02/2021

Education and Training

Stage learning outcome

  • Takes responsibility for their own education and training needs and contributes to departmental education

Key capabilities


Demonstrates that providing high quality patient care is always the priority in the context of education


Manages their own programme of learning


Describes the importance of and participates in induction and orientation of new staff


Explains the role of different learning opportunities, within the workplace and beyond, making use of a range of techniques including e-learning and simulation


Explains the need for, reflects and acts on feedback on their education and training, including at local, regional and national level


Describes the importance of patient education


Records educational activities appropriately, including reflection on learning


Promotes and participates in inter-professional learning


Contributes to departmental educational programmes

Examples of evidence

Experience & logbook:
  • use of SLEs throughout stage of training to facilitate learning and guide progress.
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) can be used to demonstrate:
  • reflection on learning in the workplace and response to feedback.

Personal Activities and Personal Reflections may include:

  • maintenance of professional portfolio on LLP
  • setting out and review of personal development plans
  • record of attendance at local and regional/school teaching sessions
  • completion of GMC trainee survey
  • teaching session delivered (presentation slides)
  • attendance at pre-assessment (POA) or perioperative medicine (POM) clinic and reflection on learning
  • production of patient educational materials
  • attendance at hospital induction session(s)
  • mandatory training
  • simulation training
  • use of e-Learning Anaesthesia
  • engagement with feedback on education and training
  • personal learning activities such as journal articles read and reflections on them.

Cross links with other domains and capabilities

  • all specialty specific and generic professional domains.