Non-clinical podcasts An interview with our new President, Dr Claire Shannon Anaesthetists and Aerospace Medicine Dr Fiona Donald: The RCoA Presidency & me Reflections on COP26 and sustainability Safety in Formula 1 Motorsport: Part 1 Safety in Formula One Motorsport: Part 2 The benefits of cold water swimming Experiences of the ACSA anaesthetic department accreditation scheme Leadership in Anaesthesia; lessons learnt from the Military Parenting and the impact on training A Career in anaesthesia Dr Sarah Crabtree and Dr Ellie de Sausmarez An Insider's view - Why become an Event Speaker? Professor Helen Higham An Insider's View - Experiences in writing and submitting articles Dr Robert Fleming Mentoring Prepare for CCT and beyond - episode 1 Preparing for CCT and beyond - episode 2 Preparing for CCT and beyond - episode 3 Junior Doctors contract Career breaks and return to work