FRCA Examiner Regulations

Published: 31/07/2019

6. Probation and review

6.1 Probationary Year

New examiners are initially appointed for a probationary year, which includes a minimum of 10 days examining.

The probation year for new examiners is designed to provide essential support and guidance as they transition into their roles. This structured process ensures that examiners receive the necessary resources and feedback to succeed, while also maintaining the high standards expected in the FRCA examination.


The primary purpose of the probation year is to support new examiners in their development, helping them navigate their responsibilities effectively. Throughout this year, examiners will have access to various forms of assistance to enhance their performance and engagement.

Key Components of the Probation Year

  1. Support System:
  • Examiner Buddies: Each new examiner will be paired with an experienced examiner who will provide guidance and support throughout the year.
  • Regular Check-Ins: New examiners will maintain regular contact with their buddies, core group leads and Chairs/vice Chairs, fostering open communication and ongoing feedback.
  • Community Support: Engagement with the broader examiner body will provide additional resources and a sense of belonging.


  1. Audits and Self-Reflection:

Throughout the year, audits will be conducted using video recordings and audit forms completed and submitted via iPads during exam weeks. These materials will be collected for review and can be requested from the exam team to facilitate self-reflection on performance.


  1. Engagement in Working Parties:

Participation in assigned working parties will be a key focus during the probation year. Engagement in these collaborative efforts will be reviewed as part of both the probation and appraisal processes.


  1. Asking for Help:

New examiners are encouraged to seek assistance whenever needed. Proactive communication is essential for personal growth and development within the role.


  1. End-of-Year Appraisal:

In May/June, each examiner will undergo an appraisal, which may be conducted face-to-face or online. Feedback on performance and engagement will be compiled and forwarded to the exam leadership team for evaluation.

Possible Outcomes at the End of the Probation Year

At the conclusion of the probation year, there are three potential outcomes:

  1. Non-Performance:

If an examiner is found to be underperforming despite receiving support and showing no improvement, they may be asked to leave the examination team.


  1. Extension of Probation:

An examiner who requires additional time and support to meet the expected standards may be placed on an extended 12-month probation period.


  1. Successful Completion:

If an examiner meets or exceeds the expected standards, they will successfully complete their probation, continue in their role and be inaugurated as an FRCA Examiner at the next Examiner CPD day. This formal inauguration takes place at an external venue, it is attended by either the President or one of the Vice Presidents, and examiners wear the formal gown to a ceremony where they sign for book for examinership.

6.2 Routine Review

Examiners whose performance is considered to be unsatisfactory may be:
a. reviewed again after a further period determined by the relevant chair, possibly with a requirement for further training;
b. asked to resign; or
c. dismissed in accordance with the Regulations for the Removal of College Officer Holders