FRCA Examiner Regulations

Published: 31/07/2019

8. Sabbaticals and stand down

8.1 Sabbaticals

The relevant chair and Head of Examinations may approve requests to take a sabbatical from examining on grounds of individual professional or personal circumstances such as pregnancy or ill health.

If the request is made during an academic year, the relevant chair will at his/her discretion allow the examiner to be absent from the rest of that academic year’s examinations. 

Any examiner requesting a sabbatical for one year will automatically have their examinership term extended by one year.

8.2 Stand down

The relevant chair may ask examiners to stand down on the grounds of managing the number of examiners. Any examiner requested to stand down will automatically have their examinership term extended by one year. If an examiner is requested to stand down for a second or subsequent time, then normally they will be allowed to extend their examinership term again but the decision shall be made on a case by case basis by the Committee.