FRCA Examiner Regulations

Published: 31/07/2019

11. Equality and diversity

11.1 Aims

The FRCA examinations aim to provide an environment for candidates that is free from discrimination and that no candidate receives less favourable treatment than another on the grounds of their protected characteristics. The College will only assess candidates on the basis of performance and demonstrated competency. To achieve this, the College will provide regular exam specific E&D training for examiners. Monitor examiner behaviour and review methods of assessment, exam policies and practices for fairness and relevance.

11.2 The College is committed to enforcing its policy regarding equal opportunities for all and will not accept behaviour from staff, examiners or candidates which constitutes an infringement to this policy or results in unlawful discrimination on any grounds.

11.3 Data Collection

Diversity information on trainees, examiners and examination candidates is collected at registration with the College, requests to confirm/update information will also be requested at application for examinership. By supplying this information, examiners, give their consent to its use for the following purposes:

a. to allow quality control of examinations

b. to assist in the provision of equal opportunities to all

A summary of the data collected is used in conjunction with examination data in annual reports and examinations statistics.