The Anaesthetists in Training Representative Group (ATRG) was formed in July 2014 and consists of one trainee representative from each School of Anaesthesia along with co-opted members from the Faculties of Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine. The objectives of the ATRG are:
- Enable a more sustainable and operable system to ensure true representation of trainee concerns and views and ensure the College has an effective, UK wide means of seeking trainee input.
- Effectively inform and alert trainees to issues affecting them and to be able to address grass roots concerns.
- Encourage greater trainee engagement with the College.
To contact us please email
NOTICE - This page is under construction. Please be aware that some member information may be outdated. We are working to update the ATRG member list in due course. Please find your local member below:
Dr Victoria Winter
Faculty of Pain Medicine

Dr Roxana Sandhar
Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Dr Rana Mallah
London School of Anaesthetics (South)

Dr Marion Ashe

Dr Dhupal Patel
National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia

Dr Mark McCague
Northern Ireland
Dr Heather Turnbull
North Scotland
Dr Jo Wilson
Dr Ashleah Mcculloch
Dr Nicola Crowther
Dr Lalithaa Rhaasa

Dr Christopher Perman

Dr Gianluca Trisolini Longobardi
Dr Katie Essak

Dr Emily Williamson
West of Scotland

Dr Lynn Valentine
West of Scotland

Dr Adam Windle
Yorkshire and the Humber - West
Dr Louise Murray
Yorkshire and the Humber - South