Dr Catherine Bernard

BSc (hons), MBChB, DCH, CertROM, CertMedEd, MRCEM, FRCA
Term of office on Council
March 2023 to March 2027
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust
Catherine graduated from the University of Leeds in 2014 and undertook her foundation training in the South Thames deanery. She then completed four years as a clinical fellow in emergency medicine, anaesthetics and intensive care medicine. After an initial flirtation with A&E, Catherine saw the light and commenced anaesthetic training in 2020. At the time of appointment to the council, she is a ST4 dual trainee in anaesthetics and intensive care medicine.
Her scenic route through training has meant she is very familiar with navigating through non traditional training routes and is a strong supporter of making that pathway more accessible in a time where competition for training numbers is increasing year on year. Ultimately, ‘strength lies in differences, not in similarities’ and she is keen to promote that ethos at the college.
Outside of anaesthesia, Catherine likes to undertake light (non-triathlete level) cycling and attempting to create an indoor jungle by building upon her 45+ strong houseplant collection all combined with a love for (too much) food.
Register of Interests
- Association of Anaesthetists
- Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
- British Medical Association