In advance of your examination, you will need to:
Locate a quiet, secure environment – a room where you can take your exam on your own without interruption. We do not recommend that candidates sit in their hospitals due to issues with internet connection.
On the exam day, you will need your:
- Mobile phone. This is for registration/technical support purposes only and must be switched off and placed out of reach once the exam has started. It must remain within the exam environment if a comfort break is taken.
- Official ID - passport, UK driving license or other ID as agreed with the Examinations Department at the RCoA.
- One snack
- One drink
- One blank sheet of A4 paper for making notes
- a pair of headphones or earphones available in case you have sound issues on the exam day. TestReach will request use of headphones with the College on your behalf as necessary.
No smart watches or other electronic devices are permitted in this examination in accordance with Appendix 6: Electronic devices mobile phone and smart watch policy
Candidates are only permitted to use the onscreen calculator within the exam application. This basic calculator is all that is required to sit FRCA written exams.