FRCA Examiner Regulations

Published: 31/07/2019

Annex B: FRCA Examiner – Job Description


Job Title FRCA Examiner 
Responsible to The Chair of the relevant Board of Examiners 
Accountable to The Chair of the FRCA Examination/College Council 
Reference The Primary and Final FRCA Examinations (Selections and 

Appointment of Examiner) Regulations  




A FRCA Examiner is one of a team of examiners responsible for assessing the performance of candidates taking part in the FRCA examination.  Examiners are recruited to either the Primary or Final components of the examination according to need. All initial appointments are subject to a probationary year (or 2 years pro-rata for LTFT).

Examiners are expected to actively contribute to the continuous development of examination content, procedure and processes and to give the highest priority to the examination above other commitments.



Examiners are expected to commit to a minimum of 10 days of examining plus 3 days for core group meetings/working parties per academic year and they must have the approval of their Trust at the time of application. Applications from applicants who wish to examine on a flexible or a less than full time (LTFT) basis will be considered, providing they are able to fulfil all other examiner commitments and requirements as set out in the job description and person specification for this position.


1. Full commitment to the College and its examination processes

•    To remain in good standing with the College and hold full registration with the GMC

•    To have the expectancy of completing at least 6 years as an examiner

•    Commitment of 10 days per academic year or part-time equivalent

•    To actively participate in ensuring the examinations are of the highest standards

•    To contribute to questions and content for the e-Learning Anaesthesia project as required

•    To take part in the audit and appraisal process. 

2. Assessment and guidance of candidates

•    To examine all candidates in accordance with the FRCA Regulations, marking schemes and examiner guidance

•    To complete all marking processes in accordance with guidelines and templates

•    To provide clear and concise feedback to candidates regarding poor performance

•    To give full and fair consideration to equality and diversity whilst ensuring that the integrity and validity of the examination is upheld

•    Attendance at exam day debriefs, examiner meetings and CPD days

•    Timely attendance at examinations in accordance with the examiner allocations for each diet

•    To actively assist in guidance interviews for candidates.

3. Attendance and contribution to Core Groups and Working Parties

•    To keep the Chair informed of relevant expertise and specific interests

•    To attend meetings of Core Group/Working Party

•    To attend CRQ standard checking days if a Final examiner

•    Active contribution to the duties of the Core Group/working party

•    Regular submission of ideas and comments for question development and exam processes

•    Active contribution to the development and submission of questions

•    Participation in the standard setting and question setting processes

•    To strive to take on a leadership role and provide assistance to others.

4. Participation in induction and ongoing training programmes

•    To attend the mandatory new examiner training programme 

•    To undertake the annual examiner Equality and Diversity training programme

•    To attend Simulation training where possible

•    To attend further training as required

•    To seek involvement in the training of others, mentoring and the “buddy” system.

5. To uphold all examination regulations, policies and principles

•    To be fully conversant with all FRCA Examinations Regulations

•    To keep up to date with examination changes

•    Upholds the examination codes of conduct: Examiner Code of Conduct, Misconduct policy, and the Social Media policy. 

•    Promotes College EDI agenda.

•    Upholds the vision and values of the RCoA.

6. To observe and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of all FRCA examinations

•    To maintain the security of all examination questions and question banks 

•    To observe the confidentiality and copyright of examination content at all times

•    To draw any matter of concern to the attention of the Chair of the relevant Board of Examiners. 

If an examiner’s performance or conduct consistently fails to reach an acceptable standard the Committee may recommend to ETE Board that he/she should be asked to resign. If they refuse, they should be dismissed. This procedure must be conducted in accordance with the Regulations for the Dismissal of College Office Holders.

On signing this document, you are confirming that you have read and accepted this Job Description and the Codes of Conduct sent to you with the initial appointment email. Please return your signed document and email to by the 30 September in the year of your appointment.




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