CCT in Anaesthetics - Stage 2 Training
Published: 22/10/2024
Safety and Quality Improvement (SQI)
2_SQI_A: Knows when and how to apply quality improvement science with the aim of improving services while maintaining patient safety
2_SQI_A_1 | Demonstrates knowledge of audit and other quality assurance activities relevant to day surgery |
2_SQI_B |
Recognises the factors influencing reliable care
2_SQI_C | Demonstrates knowledge of variation with respect to interpreting measurement, understanding types of variation, and differentiating between expected and unwarranted variation |
2_SQI_D | Utilises appropriate measurement techniques for improvement, and demonstrates whether a change has occurred and its impact |
2_SQI_E | Contrasts ‘data for assurance’ and data for improvement’ and uses both data appropriately |
2_SQI_F: Uses simple proactive safety techniques to prevent harm to patients, including the assessment of likelihood and severity of risks
2_SQI_F_1 | Awareness of safety procedures to prevent wrong sided nerve blocks |
2_SQI_G | Matches expertise and resources to the level of clinical risk posed to patients |
2_SQI_H: Describes the impact of anaesthetists’ actions on patient safety more broadly in the hospital and wider healthcare system
2_SQI_H_1 | The potential impact of anaesthetic technique on patient outcome |
2_SQI_H_2 | The effects of deviation from normal physiological parameters on short and long-term outcomes |
2_SQI_H_3 | Sustainability in healthcare and environmental effects of anaesthetic agents |
2_SQI_I: Describes the principles of medication safety
2_SQI_I_1 | Management of existing medications and pre-operative appropriate changes |
2_SQI_I_2 | Use of antibiotics and other measures to reduce the risk of infection |
2_SQI_J: Explains the process of critical incident follow-up
2_SQI_J_1 | Outline appropriate follow up of an unexpected difficult intubation |
2_SQI_J_2 | Communication with patients regarding adverse events and organises appropriate follow up (Duty of candour) |