CCT in Anaesthetics - Stage 2 Training

Published: 22/10/2024

Intensive Care Medicine (ICM)

2_IC_A: Recognises the limitations of intensive care; employs appropriate admission criteria

2_IC_A_1 Discusses requirements for organ support and its limitations


2_IC_B Performs safely and effectively the clinical invasive procedures required to maintain respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal, support

2_IC_C: Recognises, assesses, and initiates management for acutely ill adults across the spectrum of single or multiple organ failure

2_IC_C_1 Anatomy relevant to the range of practical procedures required in intensive care medicine
2_IC_C_2 Indications for postoperative ventilation

Management of the patient with respiratory failure including:

  • Severe asthma
  • Disorders of respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and gas transport
  • Disorders of the pulmonary circulation- arterial and venous
  • Respiratory failure and ventilatory support, consequences of positive pressure ventilation
  • Choices of modes ventilation eg asthma/COPD/restrictive defects
  • Effect of prone ventilation
  • Effect of changes in ambient pressure
  • Use of gases: helium and nitric oxide
  • Use of ECMO



Management of the patient with cardiac dysfunction including:

  • Cardiomyopathy and abnormal ventricular function – congenital and acquired
  • High and low cardiac output states
  • Valvular disease
  • Hypertension- pulmonary and systemic
  • Ischaemic heart disease
  • Uses of vasopressors and inotropes
  • Assessment of cardiac function



Management of the patient with neurological deterioration including:

  • Seizures
  • Delirium
  • Reduced conscious level, including infection and drug toxicity
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Raised intracranial pressure
  • Control of cerebral circulation
  • Myasthenia
  • Guillain-Barre
  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system
  • Hypoxic brain injury and brain stem death
  • Traumatic brain injury

Management of the patient with renal dysfunction including:

  • Disturbances of fluid balance, oedema, and dehydration
  • Acid-base abnormalities
  • Plasma electrolyte disturbances
  • Renal tubular acidosis
  • Assessment of renal function
  • Diuretics and their action
  • Principles of haemofiltration and other renal support
  • Influence of renal replacement therapies on commonly used drugs



Management of the patient with liver dysfunction

  • Jaundice
  • Acute liver failure
  • Chronic liver failure
  • Porphyria



Management of the patient with gastro-intestinal dysfunction including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Oesophageal reflux
  • Bowel obstruction and gastric stasis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Swallowing disorders
  • The mucosal barrier
  • Starvation and obesity
  • Malnutrition



Management of the patient with an endocrine emergency

  • Diabetes mellitus/insipidus
  • Thyroid
  • Adrenal



Management of the patient with a haematological issue including

  • Haematological malignancies
  • Congenital and acquired blood disorders
  • Anaemia
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Abnormalities of coagulation
  • Blood bourne viruses including hepatitides and HIV



Knowledge of enteral and parenteral nutritional formulas in intensive care

  • Principles
  • Risks
  • Pre and post pyloric feeding
  • Consequences of overfeeding (CO2, uraemia, hypermetabolism, hypertrigliceridaemia, hepatic steatosis
  • Changes in intestinal blood flow with injury/sepsis/critical illness


2_IC_D: Recognises the acutely ill child and initiates management of paediatric emergencies

2_IC_D_1 Recognition/initial management of the sick/deteriorating child
2_IC_D_2 Recognition of the specific conditions likely to deteriorate to respiratory or cardiac arrest in children [e.g. meningococcal sepsis] and describe their initial management
2_IC_D_3 Recognition/management of the critically ill child with e.g. sepsis, trauma, convulsions, dehydration, respiratory and diabetic emergencies and describes their timely management

2_IC_E: Recognises and manages the patient with sepsis and employs local infection control policies

2_IC_E_1 Recognition and management of the patient with sepsis
2_IC_E_2 Antimicrobials, antivirals, and antifungals: principles of action; choice of drug. 
2_IC_E_3 Antibiotic resistance and stewardship
2_IC_E_4 Antibiotic prophylaxis against surgical infection including prevention of surgical site infection

2_IC_F: Undertakes and evaluates laboratory and clinical imaging investigations to manage patients while critically ill during their intensive care stay

2_IC_F_1 Interpretation of investigations and monitoring techniques to aid the diagnosis and management of the critically ill patient

2_IC_G: Manages the medical / surgical needs and organ support of patients during their critical illness, including the holistic care of patients and relatives

2_IC_G_1  Management of the continuing needs of patients in critical care including organ support and

2_IC_H: Plans and communicates the appropriate discharge of patients from intensive care to healthcare professionals, patients, and relatives

2_IC_H_1  Ability to plan and communicate decisions for care of critically unwell patients with relatives and other healthcare workers, including discharge, escalation, and ceilings of care.

2_IC_I: Manages end of life care within the intensive care environment with patients, relatives, and the multi-professional team

2_IC_I_1 To facilitate sensitive discussions, considering the views of patients and relatives, about the process of withholding or withdrawing life sustaining treatment and the provision for palliative care.
2_IC_I_2 Manages the palliative care of those with end-stage disease

2_IC_J: Liaises with transplant services when appropriate, can perform brain stem death testing and provides the physiological support of the donor

2_IC_J_1 Management of organ donation in critical care

2_IC_K: Supports clinical staff outside the ICU to enable the early detection of the deteriorating patient

2_IC_K_1  Understands risk scoring systems in the context of the deteriorating patient