2_MPR_A: Appreciates and participates in the organisation of anaesthetic services within the structure of local hospital management and links to regional tertiary level services
2_MPR_A_1 |
Current local and national guidelines for provision of day surgical services |
2_MPR_B: Applies legal and ethical guidelines to their medical practice, including the legal requirements of consent and shared decision making
2_MPR_B_1 |
Ethical considerations of cadaveric and live-related organ donation for donors, recipients, those close to them and society as a whole |
2_MPR_C: Engages with the departmental management structure and processes required for the delivery of perioperative and anaesthetic services
2_MPR_C_1 |
The key organisational issues surrounding day surgery including suitability of facilities and staffing |
2_MPR_D |
Works effectively in the digital environment relating to patient care |