Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Published: 12/07/2024

5. Timeline

1. Reasonable adjustments must be requested separately for each component of the relevant written, SOE and/or OSCE exam.

2. A candidate may request a reasonable adjustment for a specific component of the examination at any point upon entering training.

3. Reasonable adjustment requests for an exam sitting must be submitted and received by the College by the deadline stated for reasonable adjustments published in the examinations calendar on the website for the relevant exam component.

4. Any late/new requests for reasonable adjustments after the published submission date will not be processed as we cannot guarantee implementation in time for the exam sitting.

5. The College will endeavour to accommodate candidates who have a disability diagnosed in the period between the reasonable adjustment request deadline and the desired exam sitting, however, candidates may need to defer examinations to have their requests fully assessed and accommodated.

6. Candidates will be notified by email within 14 working days of the reasonable adjustment booking window closing with an offer of adjustments that can be applied to the examination component they wish to book.

7. If the request for reasonable adjustments is deemed complex, it may take the College up to 28 days to process. In such a case, the College will notify the candidate in writing within 14 working days that the process may take longer and may not be in time for the intended exam sitting.

8. Candidates whose need for reasonable adjustments or special arrangements (see Section 9 of these Regulations) arises after the submission of their application (due to an accident or sudden condition/illness) must contact (FRCA)/ (FFICM/ FFPMRCA) as soon as practicable.

9. Summary of reasonable adjustment request timeline

Deadline for submission of request for reasonable adjustments with supporting evidence

By the deadline stated for reasonable adjustments published in the examinations calendar on the website for the relevant component of the exam.


Early submission of requests for reasonable adjustments for a known disability can be made at any point upon entering the training programme and is encouraged.

Outcome of reasonable adjustment request from the College in writing

Within 14 working days of the reasonable adjustment window closing.

Outcome of complex reasonable adjustment request from the College in writing

Within 14 working days of the reasonable adjustment window closing, the College will inform the candidate if a reasonable adjustment is deemed complex and processing may take longer.


The outcome of the request will be disclosed within 28 working days of the date of receipt of the supporting evidence.