Guidance on Dual CCT Programmes in ICM and Anaesthetics
Structure of a Dual CCT programme including ICM and Anaesthetics
Both the Anaesthetic and ICM CCTs are outcome-based programmes and each have an indicative duration of 7 years. Following, a comprehensive mapping exercise, the capabilities and outcomes that can be achieved in both curricula have been identified. As a result of this ‘dual counting’, a Dual CCT programme in ICM and Anaesthetics has an indicative duration of 8.5 years. Doctors entering via ACCS (Anaesthetics) will also complete the Dual programme in an indicative 8.5 years. See the diagrams below for details. Doctors who do not achieve the capabilities required within this timeframe will require longer.
Below is an example programme for Dual CCTs in ICM and Anaesthetics. These should not be considered as immutable formats. Where a training year is represented by a less than 12/12 block, this is purely to demonstrate the acquisition of Stage requirements on the diagram – doctors would not be expected to mark time in that ST year but could progress within the programme.
Important point of note: the order of training blocks within an overall training Stage (within Core and HST boundaries) is interchangeable. For example: in the Core Anaesthetic Training (CAT) route below, the 12/12 of Medicine does not have to take place in one block but it must be completed before the doctor can exit Stage 1 ICM. There is total flexibility at local level to arrange the order of the training (with a minimum 3/12 block length) via negotiation between Anaesthetics and ICM TPDs. This is true also of the 6/12 modules that make up the ACCS programme, in that there may be 2 x 3 month blocks. Likewise, the 'Special Skills' Year (which in the Dual CCT Programme is the Stage 2 indicative year of Anaesthetics) can be either of the two years that make up Stage 2 training. Doctors can sit the FFICM and Final FRCA examinations at any point in Stage 2 training. Areas marked with an * are those modules agreed by the RCoA and FICM as dual counting across both CCTs.
Illustrative examples of Dual CCT programmes in ICM and Anaesthetics
ACCS (Anaes) to dual, recruited to ICM first
ACCS (Anaes) to dual, recruited to Anaes first
Due to complex individual training histories and different rates of progression, adding a linear representation of the ST training years would be unhelpful. As per the FICM Guidance; in counting the years of training, it is agreed that the training years start at admission to the first Specialty Training Programme, and years are added linearly as they are completed irrespective of the responsibility levels reached in the individual specialties, assuming that satisfactory outcomes have been achieved.