Guidance on Dual CCT Programmes in ICM and Anaesthetics

Published: 05/01/2023


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Following the approval by the General Medical Council [GMC] of the standalone CCT in Intensive Care Medicine (2021), this guidance has been compiled by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine [FICM] and the Royal College of Anaesthetists [RCoA] for the benefit of doctors undertaking Dual CCTs in Intensive Care Medicine [ICM] and Anaesthetics, as well as those deaneries, Training Programme Directors and Regional Advisors responsible for creating and delivering such programmes.

The FICM and RCoA have undertaken a cross-mapping exercise of both curricula to identify areas of overlap that will allow doctors to acquire the outcomes and capabilities in full of both disciplines via a suitable choice of training attachments and educational interventions whilst avoiding undue prolongation of training.

This guidance deals specifically with those areas in which the two curricula overlap to allow dual counting of capabilities and describes the layout and indicative timeframes of a Dual CCT programme. More detailed information on the respective capabilities and assessment methods discussed here can be found in The CCT in Intensive Care Medicine and The CCT in Anaesthetics.

A pdf version of this guidance can be downloaded from the FICM website [external link].

Additional resources:

Best practice on management of Dual/Single CCT ICM trainees

The RCoA and FICM Training Committees have outlined the general principles on how these doctors should be supported by a good anaesthetic and critical care department. There is complexity in providing such bespoke training and both training committees would like to thank all the Faculty and College tutors for their hard work and dedication in supporting trainees from such diverse backgrounds. Read Best practice on management of Dual/Single CCT ICM trainees [pdf].