Examinations Regulations

Published: 26/07/2019

Section 8: Application and Withdrawal procedures



The examination calendar and details of online application and payment are available on the College website.


Applications for admission to an examination must be received by the College on or after the published opening date but not later than 5.00 pm on the published closing date of the sitting applied for, as shown in the examinations calendar. When applying online, candidates will receive an email confirming booking and payment. 


Applications for admission to examinations and Temporary Examination Eligibility (TEE) must be accompanied by the fee and any certificates required to support the application form. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. TEE applications which arrive after published deadline dates will be held until the next active deadline date.


TEE applicants must have had their TEE approved by the College at least three months before the published start date of the examination applied for and issued with a TEE number which must be quoted on all applications.


The fees payable for admission to each part shall be those fixed by Council and published in the examinations calendar.



To withdraw from an exam, send an email to exams@rcoa.ac.uk stating the name and date of the exam from which you wish to withdraw. An administration fee of £45 may be charged. Please see terms below.

If withdrawing an application for admission to an examination before the closing date for applications, you may receive back the full amount of the fee paid, providing the withdrawal request is within 14 days of booking the exam.

If greater than 14 days or after the booking window has closed, the refund is subject to an administration fee (the 14-day rule). 

If withdrawing in any other circumstances within 7 working days of an exam date, including non-issue of entry visas (with the exception of those described in Section 9, Special Arrangements), you will not be entitled to any refund of fee. This rule also applies to candidates who do not appear for an exam on the exam day.

Candidates who sit the examination are deemed to be certifying themselves fit and healthy to do so. There is the right of withdrawal from any examination up to its start date on the basis of exceptional circumstances. Candidates who are forced to withdraw from an examination after the closing date due to a situation beyond their control, such as illness, bereavement or other extenuating circumstances, may be entitled to a refund, less the admin charge on receipt of written evidence (*unless within 14 days of booking the examination when you may receive back the full amount of the fee paid). 

Fees cannot be deferred from one exam to another and candidates must prove their eligibility for each exam sitting they apply for.